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[News] Teens Inspired By Emma Watson

Emma Watson has been crowned the most influential celebrity by teens who say she inspires them the most.

The actress was picked by both boys and girls from an all-star list of singers, actors and online stars including Ariana Grande, Beyoncé and Zayn Malik.

1,000 young people took part in the survey which was commissioned by youth empowerment programme, National Citizen Service (NCS) and conducted by ICM.

Results from the research suggests that the actress’s feminist and forward-thinking views were the main reason young people found her so inspiring.

As Quoted By Some Of The Participants:

One participant said: “She’s a big feminist. She frequently speaks out on sexism and other discrimination issues such as racism and homophobia, and what she says really inspires me.”

Another explained: “She uses the power and fame she gained from the Harry Potter series to speak about important issues like feminism.”

When Identifying With The Label Of ‘Feminist”:

What’s more, the research found ‘feminist’ is now the most popular label for teenage girls with 29 percent identifying as such.

NCS marketing director Natasha Kizzie said: “The rise of internet feminism and increasingly politically engaged youth has brought these issues to the forefront of the news agenda, and the ‘Emma Watson effect’ has done brilliant things for the cause.

“She inspires young people to never limit their expectations of what they can achieve on the basis on their gender.”

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[News] Emma Watson Attended Top-Secret Google Camp

Emma Watson attended Google Camp last week, and according to Page Six, it was far more exclusive than even the most high-end summer camp experience.

Others that attended were, Snapchat’s CEO tech bro Evan Spiegel, music business bigwig David Geffen, Prince Harry, Sean Penn, Kevin Durant, Michael Hess and Dasha Zhukova were also spotted on the vacation.

Google Camp Information:

“As for the camp, it is super secret, but we can assume they’re not singing “Kumbaya” around the campfire. The retreat is hosted by Google at the ultra-luxe Verdura Resort. The all-stars spent three days talking about everything from public policy to the internet (okay, that part sounds like nights at camp, only minus the bunk beds). But it’s not all about work; the actors, royals, athletes and tech royalty also attend wine tastings and undergo spa treatments. Guess they don’t have much time for crafting friendship bracelets, but one can hope Prince Harry and Hermione found a connection.”

“And on the last night, there’s a concert at the Valley of the Temple. This year, Lenny Kravitz and Elton John performed, making for the ultimate social. Hopefully tube tops, straightening irons and glitter abounded.”

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[News] Emma Watson Hides ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Book in Paris

Emma Watson is sharing the book “The Handmaid’s Tale” with other people in an unexpected way, by hiding 100 copies of it in Paris, France.

The actress sent Twitter into a frenzy today when she announced via the social media platform that she was stashing her latest read all over Paris.  Each book in the picture is tied with a green ribbon and is covered in stickers for Our Shared Shelf, Emma’s feminist book club, and the Book Fairies, an organization that hides books in public places and asks finders to re-hide the books once they’re done reading.

Over the course of the next few hours, @the_bookfairies continued to post pictures of various French landmarks where the group had hidden copies of The Handmaid’s Tale with Emma, including the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Eiffel Tower, as well as at the premiere of Emma’s new film The Circle. Fans of Emma (and The Handmaid’s Tale) soon began rushing from location to location to try to find the books placed there by everyone’s favorite celebrity bookworm.
