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Filed in Beauty and the Beast Movies Video
[Video] Secrets Behind Emma’s “Beauty & The Beast” Dress
The yellow dress Emma Watson wears in “Beauty and The Beast” is iconic but not as simple as it may appear. In the exclusive clip from the DVD all is revealed.
The dress in figures
- It took 18 weeks of preparation by the team before shooting
- 12,000 hours to create the dress
- 2,160 crystals were added
- 3,000 feet of thread
- 180ft of light organza
- 12,000sq ft of faux marble for the dance floor
- 10 glass chandeliers for the dance floor
- 1,500 roses used in production
Filed in Interviews Video
[Video] Emma Watson Interviewed By Adorable Kids
Entertainment Weekly collected some of the best kid questions out there for Emma to answer and, yeah, it’s as adorable as it sounds. In the video, there are answers to burning questions like, who would win a battle: Harry Potter or Darth Vader?
Watch adorable kids interview #EmmaWatson about #HarryPotter, #BeautyAndTheBeast and more! ❤️
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) May 27, 2017