Filed in News

Emma Writes Sweet Note To Steve Carell

Emma Watson posted a lovely note to Carell during the Oscars on Sunday (Feb. 22), complimenting both his film roles and his sartorial choice. See Emma’s Twitter post below and Steve Carell’s response to her note.


Dear Steve Carell,

You were pure genius in “Little Miss Sunshine” (one of my all time favourite films), my brother became obsessed with you after “Anchorman,” I wanted to marry you or have you adopt me after “Crazy, Stupid, Love,” I hated that guy you played in “The Way Way Back,” and then you were mind-blowing in “Foxcatcher” and I think you’re so awesome and now you are wearing ‪#‎HeForShe‬ cufflinks at the Oscars to support Gender Equality. Couldn’t be more proud.

Thank you. Love, Emma x

Filed in Fan Art Picture Gallery

Gallery: A Fans Artistic View of Emma as Belle.

Emma got cast as the lead in Disney’s live action Beauty and the Beast movie, and one fan just couldn’t wait to see the Harry Potter actress as Belle. The talented artist named Maryam Shah Mohammad gave Emma Watson’s fans a glimpse of what she might look like as the Disney princess, Belle. We’ve added it to our gallery. So check it out!

Mohammad recently shared the drawing below on Reddit under his username xChasingPavementsx. The picture quickly made the front page. According to  Huffington Post.
