Filed in Awards News

Emma To Be Awarded As British Artist of the Year

BAFTA Los Angeles has announced Emma Watson as this year’s recipient of The Brittania Award for British Artist of the Year.

“This honor pays tribute to a talented British artist whose outstanding performances have demonstrated the high quality of their craftsmanship. Whether an emerging talent, or an established name, the British Artist of the Year is a person who represents the best of UK’s talent”. – quote from BAFTA.

The award salutes “Individuals who have dedicated their careers to advancing the art forms of the moving image in the US, UK and beyond.” – BAFTA

Other honorees include Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo and Dame Judy Dench. The ceremony will be held on October 30th at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles, and will broadcast on BBC America in the US on November 2nd.

Filed in UN Women - United Nations Organization

Emma’s UN Nations Uruguay Parliament Visit

Emma Watson in her role as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador attended a meeting on Wednesday in Uruguay’s Parliament, speaking with top ministers, government officials, and women’s rights activists on the importance of increasing women’s participation in politics.


“Women’s rights are personal to me, especially on political participation and leadership. I am delighted to be here today as a Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women and learn about the work on the ground, hear from the people at the frontlines, and understand what is working and what is not. I am here to support and amplify these voices and share this work with a global audience. Women must have a say in matters that affect their countries, communities, and families. After all, they are half of the population, so women’s equal participation in decision-making is a question of justice and democracy,” said Ms. Watson. “I have learned that it is also a question of priorities, as women are more likely to focus on issues such as education, health, unpaid care economy, and the environment. These are important issues that affect all of us.” – said Emma during her visit.

We have photos up, they can be found here: UN Nations Uruguay Parliament Visit



Filed in UN Women - United Nations Organization

Emma To Co-Host Special UN Women Event ‘HeForShe’

British Actress and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson will co-host a special event for UN Women’s HeForShe campaign on September 20th 2014, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.

The Event Summary:

The event aims to kick-start one of the largest solidarity movements of the 21st century for the achievement of gender equality calling upon one half of humanity in support of the other half for the benefit of all.

HeForShe’s Goal:

Over the next 12 months the HeForShe campaign intends to mobilize one billion men and boys as advocates and agents of change in ending the persisting inequalities faced by women and girls globally. The premise is that inequality is a human rights issue, the resolution of which will benefit everyone – socially, politically and economically.

Who Will Be At The Event?:

The special event will bring together gender experts, government officials, senior United Nations officials, civil society organizations and HeForShe celebrity champions and role models to discuss the central role of men and boys in the achievement of gender equality, and to raise awareness that the support of women’s rights is a moral, social and economic imperative for humanity.

The Event Information:

What: Special Event for UN Women’s HeForShe campaign.
Attendance by invitation only.

When: Saturday, 20 September 2014 from 5 – 7 p.m.

Where: United Nations Trusteeship Council, New York


To The Media:

The event is open to UN accredited media only, but space is limited.

RSVP at:

The event will be webcast live at:

Photos will be available for downloading:

