We have gotten the first look still from Emma’s upcoming movie ‘Colonia’ up in the gallery.
Category Movies
Emma To Be In ‘Colonia Dignidad’
It is official! Emma will be starring along side Daniel Brühl in “Colonia”, a political thriller by director Florian Gallenberger.
The Film Synopsis:
The movie is inspired by true events, Colonia “tells the story of Lena and Daniel, a young couple who become entangled in the Chilean military coup of 1973. Daniel is abducted by Pinochet’s secret police and Lena tracks him to a sealed off area in the south of the country, called Colonia Dignidad. The Colonia presents itself as a charitable mission run by lay preacher Paul Schäfer but, in fact, is a place nobody ever escaped from. Lena decides to join the cult in order to find Daniel.”
The film is based off of German Director Florian Gallenberger’s own script and according to IMDB will release sometime in 2015.
Queen of the Tearling: Emma To Do Own Stunts.
Emma Watson (as: heroine, Kelsea Glynn) is going to be doing her own stunts in the upcoming film adaptation of Erika Johansen’s action novel, ‘The Queen of the Tearling’.
The 24 year old actress is being fully trained to do all her own stunts in the fantasy film. Such as horseback riding, combat training, knife skills, sword fighting, snaring rabbits and climbing trees.
Watson will also be stripped of make-up and transformed into a more realistic, athletic heroine.
One of her co-stars has been quoted as saying: ”With Emma, it’s hard to be that plain, but she’ll be playing someone who has a physicality.”
The Summary: In the film Emma will be playing the fearless Kelsea, who is removed from her home aged 19 to take her place as ruler of a fictional post-utopian country with dark secrets.
David Heyman is set to act as producer and Emma is the executive producer, while a director has yet to be chosen at this time.
Warner Bros. is said to have snapped up the rights to the ‘Tearling’ trilogy in a bid to turn it into the next must-see young adult fantasy franchise.